These are Resource-links that are useful for all NYC Regulated tenants
– there are your go-to places in time of need:
1. DHCR (Office of Rent Administration - ORA):
Or: DHCR's website or at 1-866-ASK-DHCR (1-866-275-3427).
2. DHCR (Tenant Protection Unit – TPU):
3. HPD (NYC Housing Preservation & Development):
4. HPD (NYC Tenant Protection Unit): Dial 311 for information.
5. Legal Assistance:
call Legal Aid Society at 212-577-3300 or Legal Services
NYC at 917-661-4500 – For Free or inexpensive Legal Assistance.
6. Office of the NYC Public Advocate:
7. Getting Help to pay rent?
-: https://hcr.ny.gov/housing-
a. NYC Housing Preservation and Development – Housing Choice Voucher Program
(Section 8)
b. NYC Housing Authority – Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)
c. Department of Housing and Urban Development – Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)
d. Division of Housing and Community Renewal – Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)
e. NYC Human Resources Administration – I Need Help
f. Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance – Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
8. NYC Tenant Organizations:
A - https://www.metcouncilonhousing.org/
B - https://www.tandn.org/
C - https://crownheightstenantunion.org/about/
D - https://www.palanteharlem.org/
E - https://www.goles.org/
F - https://westsideneighborhoodalliance.wordpress.com/
G - https://housingjusticeforall.org/
H - https://takerootjustice.org/areas/housing/
I - https://fairhousingjustice.org/
J - https://citizenactionny.org/housing/
K - https://www.swbtu.org/
L - https://maketheroadny.org/our-model/